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aircraft static port

Aircraft Static Port - Members LEARN MORE FOR FREE - BENEFIT from Piloting - CLICK HERE

The pitot system consists of a few components: the pitot tube and one or more ports that you may have checked many times when inspecting your aircraft, and the connecting lines that run from the pitot tube and vertical port to the speed air. indicator, vertical speed indicator and altimeter.

Aircraft Static Port

Aircraft Static Port

You check the pitot tubes and vertical ports to make sure there are no blockages, because the presence of debris or insects can prevent the pitot tubes and ports from doing their job of carrying the air load, which is also measured by the airspeed indicator. , vertical speed indicator and altimeter.

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A pitot tube is mounted on the wing of an airplane so that it faces the wind. A small hole in the tube allows air pressure, also known as cylinder pressure, to enter.

An airspeed indicator compares two different airspeeds to give the pilot a reading. The airspeed indicator is the only instrument in the pitot-static system that uses two types of air pressure.

The vertical speed indicator measures the difference in vertical pressure to indicate the rate of ascent or descent in feet per minute.

Jill W. Tallman, technical editor, is a private pilot and owner of a Cessna 182Q. Stack Exchange is a question and answer forum for pilots, engineers and enthusiasts. It only takes a minute to sign up.

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I noticed this spot near the front door of a Boeing 767 when I was on a flight recently. I am a total noob, just wondering what they are and what they are used for.

One of the standard flight equipment is the "Pitot tube". This tool allows you to measure the front pressure as the plane moves through the air. With this measurement, the instrument can calculate the plane's relative airspeed.

To make the measurements, the forward wind force is compared to the side wind force, and the difference between the two is assumed to be due to the force of the plane moving through the wind. So, the measurement is relative, comparing the forward pressure to the side pressure of the plane.

Aircraft Static Port

"Static ports" allow air to enter the equipment to provide air pressure to the side of the aircraft. They are called "static" ports because they usually carry air at a temperature that doesn't change much, compared to pitot tubes that carry air as the plane moves through it, so it often changes with the air. airplane. The pitot tube is usually located on the bottom of the aircraft and faces forward.

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Aircraft instruments that require barometric data, wind speed, altitude, vertical speed, and all of these must be connected to a system that reads the true atmospheric pressure, which is not affected by what is happening in in the air. You can't measure air under pressure for obvious reasons, and you can't just measure pressure in an unpressurized part of the fuselage because the airspace has some cylindrical or suction effect on the air. it cannot be relied upon as a fair display.

The only place where the true atmospheric pressure (or atmospheric pressure) can be measured on a body moving in high-velocity air is a hole that is flush with the surface and is perpendicular to the air flow. This is the port. It is always on the side, where the surface is more or less parallel to the air stream, and usually near the front, where the instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure is located. So the ports are standing directly behind the cockpit behind the nose angle.

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